For those of you needing to catch up...
Ethan and I are expecting a baby girl at the end of July! We are so excited!! We have been working in her nursery, and have just about everything ready. I, with the help of my mother and mother in law, will be making the crib bedding. That is all we lack at this point... other than the supplies and such that we are hoping will start trickling in soon. (wink wink)
I am in the 7th month of pregnancy, and I feel bigger than ever! I am bigger than ever but not as big as it gets. My nurse keeps reminding me that I still have a ways to go. She is great, but I am glad that she will not be the one comforting me at my bedside. The baby and I have been blessed with such amazing health throughout the whole pregnancy. Thanks be to God!
Ethan is about to finish up his 5th year of teaching and coaching at TA Howard Middle School in Mansfield, TX. He will return next year to continue his reign as the coolest teacher ever. (I elected him to that position and I am sure that all others would agree.) I am still sort of in between careers. I have really enjoyed substitute teaching this year, and I am hoping that Arlington will be able to find an art position for me soon!
Everyone asks what we are going to do next year and I always have the same answer for them... wait and see, wait and see. I have learned (sometimes the hard way) that it is not up to me to make plans about my future. I am so glad! God is in control, and whatever He has for our family is yet to be revealed.